This is not for the weak; I have never seen anything like this. Read the article first before looking at the picture and film. This looks horrible. Oh my God!!!!!!! Ladies this could happen to you and Guys this could happen to your wife, girlfriend, partner so please BEWARE,and also warn others.
It has been reported that this is happening in Zimbabwe as well, please make sure you iron your undergarments before you wear them and make sure that your clothes are ironed when they are dry and not damp. The picture is horrible but I felt that I should share with you. After anthropologist Susan McKinley came back home from an expedition in South America, she noticed a very strange rash on her left breast. Nobody knew what it was and she quickly dismissed it believing that the holes would leave in time. Upon her return she decided to see a doctor after she started developing intense pains. The doctor, not knowing the exact severity of the disease, gave her antibiotics and special creams. As time lapsed the pain did not subside and her left breast became more inflamed and started to bleed.
She decided to bandage her sores however as Susan's pain grew more intense she decided to seek help from a more certified doctor. Dr. Lynch could not diagnose the infection and told Susan to seek the aid of one of his colleagues who specialized in dermatology whom was sadly on vacation. She waited for two weeks and finally was able to react the dermatologist.
Sadly,a life changing event was about to unfold during her appointment. To Miss McKinley's surprise, after she removed the bandages, they found larva growing and squirming within the pores and sores of her breast. Sometimes these wicked creatures would all together simultaneously move around into different crevices. What she didn't know was that the holes were in fact, deeper than she had originally thought for these larvae were feeding off the fat, tissue, and even milk canals of her bosom. ![]() Click to Enlarge Image ![]() Click to View Video |
ANALYSIS: This forwarded message comprises three distinct components:
- The text, which appears to have been fabricated.
- The still image, which appears to have been fabricated.
- The video, which is authentic, though completely unrelated to the text and image.
The still image first turned up on the Internet, uncaptioned, in June 2003. As David Mikkelson of has noted, it was evidently created by combining elements of two separate images, one of a female breast and the other of a lotus seed pod.
The cautionary tale about "anthropologist Susan McKinley" and the larvae infestation she supposedly experienced was attached to the image by person(s) unknown in August 2003.
'Myiasis of the breast' is a real medical condition
The video — which is not only authentic but proves that larvae infestations of the breast, though extremely rare, can actually occur — was downloaded from the website of a medical journal and attached to the already-circulating email in late 2005. It originally accompanied a journal article entitled "Furuncular Myiasis of the Breast Caused by the Larvae of the Tumbu Fly (Cordylobia Anthropophaga)." The case, which occurred in Nigeria, not South America, is described as follows:
We report a 70-year-old woman who presented with a week history of itchy multiple discharging sinuses of the right breast. The sinuses contained wriggling larvae of C. anthropophaga. Fourteen larvae were extracted from the breast and the sinuses healed quite well after the extraction.Please note that although the particulars of the Susan McKinley email remain unsubstantiated, its anonymous author does know a thing or two about circumstances promoting furuncular myiasis of the breast. "Please make sure you iron your undergarments before you wear them and make sure that your clothes are ironed when they are dry and not damp," the email warns. Compare that to the journal article's explanation of how the 70-year-old patient in Nigeria became exposed: "She usually spreads her washed dresses on a line near the bush and does not iron them before wearing them."
Terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia :
Jadikan kebiasaan mulai sekarang untuk mencuci pakaian baru Anda sebelum memakainya. Ini sangat penting agar salah satu bagian terpenting Anda tetap terlindungi. Dan, jagalah kebersihan bra.
Setelah Susan McKinley (antroplogis) pulang ekspedisi di Amerika Selatan, ia menyadari ada ruam aneh di payudara sebelah kirinya. Tidak ada yang tahu itu apa. Ia duga ruam itu akan hilang seiring waktu.
Setelah kembali, ia menemui dokter karena sudah ada rasa sakit. Dokter tidak tahu penyakit apa yang dideritanya. Dokter memberikannya antibiotik dan krim khusus.
Setelah waktu berselang, rasa sakitnya tidak hilang. Payudaranya makin panas dan mulai berdarah.
Ia memutuskan untuk membalut pendarahan itu, tapi rasa sakitnya bertambah. Ia pun mulai mencari dokter-dokter terbaik. Salah satunya Dr Lynch. Tapi, sang dokter juga tidak bisa mendiagnosa infeksi apa yang terjadi dan meminta Susan mencari temannya yang ahli dalam bidang dermatologi.
Sialnya sang dokter sedang berlibur. Susan menunggu selama dua pekan dan akhirnya bertemu dermatologis itu. Perubahan akan terkuak dalam pertemuan ini.
Susan terkejut. Setelah ia membuka perbannya, mereka menemukan larva bertumbuh dan bersarang dalam pori-pori dan dalam luka payudaranya. Sesekali mahluk jahat ini masuk dalam pori-pori dan muncul di lubang sebelahnya.
Yang ia tidak tahu adalah lubang itu sangat dalam dari yang ia bayangkan. Larva ini memakan lemak, lapisan kulit, dan kanal susu payudaranya.
Berdasarkan informasi itu, disarankan kepada para wanira agar mencuci bra yang baru dibeli sebelum digunakan. Bra yang sudah digunakan juga harus sering-sering dicuci dan dijaga kebersihannya.
Jangan biarkan diri Anda jadi sarang penyakit tanpa Anda sadari. Jangan terlalu yakin terhadap tampak luar yang terlihat bersih tanpa Anda tahu betul bahwa itu benar-benar steril.
Faktanya :Sampai pada Maret 2007, hoax semakin berkembang dengan unsur cerita tambahan tentang "bra baru yang mesti dicuci sebelum dipakai"
Foto bunga yang digunakan mengedit :
Penyakit disebabkan larva ini memang ada dan dikenal dengan sebutan Myiasis Furuncular, Payudara yang Disebabkan oleh Larva Fly Tumbu (Cordylobia Anthropophaga), yang terjadi di Nigeria, bukan Amerika Selatan.
Dari pelajaran di atas, tidak ada salahnya kita menjaga kebersihan pakaian kita dengan mencuci lebih dahulu pakain yang kita beli di Mall atau di tempat lain agar terhindar dari penyakit yang tidak kita ketahui.
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